Our enriching podcasts, engaging conversations, informative briefs, daily Quranic reflections, and stimulating Think Circle discussions, would provide invaluable insights and fostering a deeper connection with the Quran.
Basmala: The 05 insightful lessons!
1. We’re blessed!
2. Our fundamental duty as His Vicegerents
3. Mindfulness and Psychological Preparation.
04. Encouragement of Hope and Repentance
05. The best tool for effective communication
Insights form Iqra
1. The relevance of knowledge & exploration
2. Why it (اقرأ) is singular?
3. Why the object is missing in Iqra?
4. Iqra inspires imagination & critical thinking
06 tactics from Quran for making good reels!
1. Jump to the core topic
2. An emotional bond with the audience
3. Emphasizing the Core Message
4. Providing Reasons and Proof
5. Blaming the self rather the audience
6. Highlighting the Futile Alternatives
Significance of travel;
The Quranic reflections
01. Travel to read divine messages
02 .Travel for trade and commerce
03. Travel to explore new horizons
04.Travel to learn from visiting new places
05 .Travel to study evolutionary science and anthropology
06. Travel to study archaeology and history
The Many Ways of “Thinking” in Quran:
Reflections from Quran
01. The intensity of 'aql'
2. The role of tafakur
03. Taddabur is a powerful tool
04. fiqh as a learning process
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